Anti-wrinkle Injections (Botox®)

Botox®, or Botulinum toxin A, is a protein derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It works by blocking the signal between the last part of the nerve and the muscle that is being targeted, causing the muscle to relax and therefore not function. As the nerve fibres regrow, the function slowly returns.

In fact, Botulinum toxin was first discovered to treat wrinkles as a side-effect of migraine treatments using the product. It has several other medical uses including prevention of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and dystonia (muscular tics and spasms). It is of course best known for being able to reduce wrinkles!

Botox® is suitable for people with dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles that appear upon movement of the muscle – such as forehead lines from raising your eyebrows). It is not suitable for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or anyone that has previously had an allergic reaction to the product.

There are some rare neurological conditions that contraindicate the use of Botox®. Also, if you are taking blood thinning medication for cardiovascular reasons, you are more likely to bruise after treatment. Therefore, to ensure that you are suitable, a full medical history is taken at every consultation and prior to any treatment.

This treatment is not recommended for those under 25 years old.

The attraction of this treatment is in part due to the fact that the effects are temporary. On average the effects can last between 2-4 months, with most people noticing lines reappearing after approximately 3 months. The longevity of the treatment will depend on your muscle type and activity, which product was used and how much was administered.

In some cases, the continued use of botulinum toxin will result in the need for less frequent treatments. This is due to the fact that nerve endings can eventually start to regrow at a slower pace. This does rely on having regular treatments to begin with, usually once every 3 months.

I pride myself on achieving natural results. The aim of facial aesthetics is to look and feel better, my objective is to achieve this without it being obvious that a treatment has been performed – a “less is more” approach is key to this.

Generally speaking anti-wrinkle injections do not hurt – each injection is very quick and the needles used are very fine and short. You will be aware that you are being injected and you may feel a little sting, people do not normally consider this to be painful.

Generally speaking, no. There may be some minor swelling and redness noticeable immediately following treatment, this will normally start to diminish after approximately 20 minutes.

For the rest of the day following treatment it is recommended that:

  • Treated areas should not be touched.
  • Make up should not be applied (unless sterile make up is used).
  • Anything that can make bruising more likely (such as alcohol, exercise, and extreme heat) should be avoided.

In addition to this, it is advisable to remain upright for at least 2 hours after treatment if possible.

The results are not instant – you will start to notice a reduction in the lines upon movement after 5 – 7 days, with full effects being visible approximately 2 weeks after treatment.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring sugar present in every part of our bodies. It helps to keep the cells and tissues together, and keep the structure of the skin hydrated and lifted.

As we age, much like the collagen and elastin in our skin, the amount of hyaluronic acid we have starts to reduce. This leads to loss of volume and structure in the skin. Dermal filler is therefore great for giving structure (such as in the cheeks), for filling in lines such as nasolabial (nose to mouth) folds, and for giving hydration to the areas treated.

In general, anyone with a suitable area to treat who is not pregnant, breastfeeding or allergic to any of the constituents of the product. A full medical history is taken at every consultation, prior to any treatment being perfomred.

This treatment is not recommended for those under 25 years old.

Dermal filler may not be suitable for you if you are prone to keloid scarring.

Dermal fillers typically last between 6-12 months, depending on where anatomically they have been used, the quality of your skin, and the amount and type of product used.

For some areas, dermal filler can be used in conjunction with anti-wrinkle injections, to not only achieve a better result but also to enable the effects of the filler to last longer.

I pride myself on achieving natural results. The aim of facial aesthetics is to look and feel better, my objective is to achieve this without it being obvious that a treatment has been performed – a “less is more” approach is key to this.

Due to the nature of the treatment, dermal filler application can be more painful than that of anti-wrinkle injections. Prior to each treatment with filler, a small amount of topical anaesthetic (numbing cream) is applied to the area to be treated. This usually takes 15-20 minutes to take effect.

All of the dermal fillers I use have local anaesthetic in them, which makes the treatment even more comfortable. For lip filler, to ensure as comfortable a procedure as possible, a local anaesthetic can sometimes be given. For cheek filler, often no anaesthetic is required at all! All of the available options will be discussed when we meet for your consultation.

Due to topical anaesthesia being applied to the skin and also being present in the filler itself, numbness will be felt in that area for a couple of hours after the treatment. Following treatment, some redness, swelling and\or bruising may be noticeable. Whilst everything possible is done to avoid this, I always recommend that dermal filler treatment be planned with respect to any upcoming engagements – you should expect to look your best approximately 2 weeks after application.

For the rest of the day following treatment it is recommended that:

  • Treated areas should not be touched.
  • Make up should not be applied (unless sterile make up is used).
  • Anything that can make bruising more likely (such as alcohol, exercise, and extreme heat) should be avoided.

There are lots of different types of fillers that are used for different purposes. Some fillers are more runny (less dense) as they need to be more forgiving in the areas that they are used for, such as the very fine lines that can form above the upper lip.

Some areas, such as the cheeks, require a much denser filler as it is required to add volume and structure to this part of the face. These denser products cost more than the less dense ones, however they do also generally last longer.

Other Questions

Payment for treatment is due after the procedure has been completed, the amount due having been agreed beforehand. I am able to accept cash or card payment (excluding American Express). All consultations are complimentary, and the 3 week review is included in the price.

I am required to take photographs of your face before, immediately after and 3 weeks after your treatment. This allows me to maintain accurate treatment records not only for my professional indemnity, but also to show you the changes that have occurred as a result of you undergoing treatment.

All photographs are stored securely. They will not be used for marketing or any other purpose without your explicit consent.

Due to the fact that the anti-wrinkle injections take up to 3 weeks to take full effect, a review is essential to see if the treatment has had the desired result. The appointment is usually short, if a small amount of additional product is required at this stage then this can be given. There is no additional charge for this or for the review, even if you require further product at the review to perfect the result.

Ideally, I also like to review dermal filler treatments after 3 weeks have elapsed. If this is not convenient, I am happy for you to send me a photograph so I can assess how well the treatment has worked for you.